ULC 668

ULC 668

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This Standard sets forth minimum requirements for the material properties and performance of linersused for secondary containment under and around the area of tanks that are installed aboveground forthe storage of flammable liquids and combustible liquids.

Liners used for secondary containment are intended for permanent installation to contain spills orleakage of product for a temporary period. In the event of spills, the removal and cleanup should be donewithin a period not exceeding 14 days.

NOTE 1: These secondary containment liners are not intended for long term or permanent storage of product spillsor leakage. Adequate means of monitoring and cleanup is required along with proper use and installation inaccordance with Codes and regulations of the authority having jurisdiction. Please see Clause 1.8.

NOTE 2: In case of product spills or leakage, the secondary containment liners shall be re-evaluated according to the requirements of the authority having jurisdiction.

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