Seminar 4 — Cooling Potential with Increased Night Ventilation in Low Energy Buildings

Seminar 4 — Cooling Potential with Increased Night Ventilation in Low Energy Buildings

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This product is a PDF that contains links to files that consist of PowerPoint slides synchronized with the audio-recording of the speaker (recorded presentation), PDF files of the slides, and audio only (mp3) as noted.

In post-occupancy studies of low energy buildings, elevated temperature levels is a commonly reported problem. Ventilative cooling can be an attractive and energy efficient solution to reduce peak load and energy use in new and existing residential buildings. Equipment required for ventilative cooling in residential buildings is available and has been shown to be cost-effective in many climates. The seminar presents the concept of ventilative cooling together with studies of the potential impact on energy consumption and indoor environment in different climatic regions.

  1. Ventilative Cooling Needs and Outdoor Night Cooling Potential
    Per Heiselberg, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark
    Product Contains: Slides (pdf), Recorded Presentation, Audio (mp3)
  2. Evaluation of Different Concepts for Ventilative Night Cooling by Building Simulations
    Angela Simone, Ph.D., Member, Denmark Technical University, Kgs. Lyngby, CA, Denmark
    Product Contains: Slides (pdf), Recorded Presentation, Audio (mp3)
  3. Residential Ventilative Cooling Technology Status and Applications
    David Springer, Member, Davis Energy Group, Davis, CA
    Product Contains: Slides (pdf), Recorded Presentation, Audio (mp3)

Citation: ASHRAE Seminar Recordings, 2014 Annual Conference, Seattle, WA

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