SF-86-02-4 — Study on the Application of Fluidized Bed Combustion

SF-86-02-4 — Study on the Application of Fluidized Bed Combustion

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ECE’s Executive Body for the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution in its second session made a decision to carry out a special study on the application of fluidized bed combustion technology to energy production. The Nordic Council of Ministers announced its readiness to finance the study.

The aim of the special study was to evaluate the possibility of diminishing harmful emissions, especially of sulfur and nitrogen oxide, by using fluidized combustion technology in energy production in a way that would satisfy users’ demands for reliability and economy.

The study began on July 1, 1984, with the sending out of questionnaires to plant manufacturers, users, and consultants . During autumn 1984 and the beginning of 1985, several plant manufacturers and users were visited to find out the current level of and future trends in fluidized bed technology.

The main findings of the work are presented in this paper. As a conclusion, it can be stated that fluidized bed technology is commercially viable. It is economically feasible, reliable, and environmentally fully acceptable. The experience gained is from small and medium-sized plants, but there is no reason to doubt it would also tie suitable, for large plants.

Units: SI


Citation: Symposium, ASHRAE Transactions, 1986, vol. 92, pt. 1B, San Francisco

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