NFPA (Fire) 804

NFPA (Fire) 804

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NFPA 804: Standard for Fire Protection for Advanced Light Water Reactor Electric Generating Plants is prepared for the use and guidance of professionals charged with the design, construction, operation, and regulation of advanced light water reactor electric generating plants.

NFPA 804 provides minimum fire protection requirements to:

* Ensure safe shutdown of the reactor
* Minimize the release of radioactive materials into the environment
* Provide life safety for on-site personnel
* Limit property damage
* Protect continuity of plant operation

Product Details

ANSI Approved
Number of Pages:
NFPA (Fire) 804

NFPA (Fire) 804

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NFPA 804, Standard for Fire Protection for Advanced Light Water Reactor Electric Generating Plants offers prescriptive-based approaches for fire protection and fire safety in advanced light water reactor electric generating plants.

Product Details

ANSI Approved
Number of Pages:
NFPA (Fire) 804

NFPA (Fire) 804

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Follow the industry’s accepted requirements for safety using NFPA 804!

NFPA 804: Standard for Fire Protection for Advanced Light Water Reactor Electric Generating Plants is prepared for the use and guidance of professionals charged with the design, construction, operation, and regulation of advanced light water reactor electric generating plants.

NFPA 804 provides minimum fire protection requirements to:

* Ensure safe shutdown of the reactor
* Minimize the release of radioactive materials into the environment
* Provide life safety for on-site personnel
* Limit property damage
* Protect continuity of plant operation

The 2010 NFPA 804 is revised to coordinate with new NFPA 806: Performance-Based Standard for Fire Protection for Advanced Nuclear Reactor Electric Generating Plants Change Process. This edition also includes a new Annex B entitled Best Practices for Protection of Fire and Explosion Hazards in Nuclear Reactor Power Plants.

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