NFPA (Fire) 70

NFPA (Fire) 70

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Please Note: NFPA has decided not to release the 2020 edition of the National Electrical Code as a PDF.

Prepare for the electrical challenges of tomorrow, today, with NFPA 70, National Electrical Code (NEC), 2020 edition.

The world never stops changing, so it’s crucial to keep learning how to keep it safe. Incorporated by reference in all 50 states and used across the globe, NFPA 70®, National Electrical Code® (NEC®), is the benchmark standard for electrical safety in residential, commercial, and industrial settings.

NFPA 70, NEC, was first published in 1897 and is continually put through a rigorous review process to keep it up to date with the most current industry practices, emerging trends, and the development and introduction of new technologies. The new NEC provides the latest requirements for safer and more effective electrical design, installation, and inspection, including provisions for wiring, overcurrent protection, grounding, and equipment.

Get up-to-code and prepared for the safety challenges of new sources of electrical power with the NEC, 2020 edition.

The revised and expanded NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, features state-of-the-art information for safe electrical practices for public and private buildings, homes and structures, outdoor yards and lots, utility equipment, installations that connect to the power grid, and consumer-owned power generation systems and equipment.

Content has been added, edited, and reorganized to address safety for workers, energy systems and electric vehicles, limited energy, and communication systems.

Impactful changes include:

  • New requirements for exterior emergency disconnects of one- and two-family dwellings for improved electrical safety for emergency responders
  • Revisions to service disconnect rules to help protect electrical workers from arc flash hazards
  • Adapted and adjusted requirements for installation practices of new technologies to meet the evolving demand of power over Ethernet
  • Updates to modernize tables currently in use for calculations to reflect improvements in energy efficiency and align with evolving codes
  • Revised requirements for ground-fault protection within marinas and boatyards
  • Introduction of guidelines for the safe use of electric vehicles (electric vehicle power export equipment) as a backup or emergency power source for a building or a home
  • Reorganization of Article 310, including new user-friendly numbering for important ampacity tables, and new definition for cable bundle in Article 725
  • Relocation of surge protection device requirements to new Article 242
  • Revisions to alternative energy systems and electric vehicle requirements to clarify what portions of the PV system are covered by the requirements of Article 690 and the line side and load side connections of interconnected power supply sources, and to clearly distinguish energy storage systems from storage battery systems
  • Reorganization of Article 800 to provide a general set of requirements to apply throughout the Chapter 8 articles
  • Revisions to requirements for communications cables that are also carrying power to communication devices and revisions to the current limit for cables carrying power and data

The NEC, 2020 edition, introduces significant new requirements for:

  • The residential installation of receptacle outlets serving island and peninsular countertops and for surge protection of services supplying dwelling units
  • Working space for “housekeeping pads” for electrical equipment, the installation of wiring methods in exit enclosures, sizing supply and load conductors used with adjustable-speed drive systems, and AFCI protection of branch circuits in patient sleeping areas in care facilities
  • Calculating the load of electric vehicle supply equipment with variable current settings
  • Worker safety in identifying the source of power for disconnecting means and for egress from spaces containing large electrical equipment
  • Grounding of disconnecting means installed on the supply-side of service disconnecting means
  • Cables installed exposed on ceiling surfaces and sidewalls
  • Special occupancies, special equipment, and special conditions, including installation of splash pads, the use of “Type P” cables in hazardous classified locations, and the reinspection of swimming pools and other bodies of water

Help protect life and property with the most relevant electrical requirements.

Get the cutting edge information you need to identify and overcome the latest hazards and complexities in electrical work. Order your copy of NFPA 70®, National Electrical Code, 2020 edition, today.

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NFPA (Fire) 70

NFPA (Fire) 70

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The most widely adopted element of a building code in the United States and the world, the NEC is the benchmark for safe and efficient electrical installations. Whether your jurisdiction adopts the 2002 Code immediately or down the road, you need to extend your knowledge and take advantage of the benefits right away, not months or years behind your peers in the electrical industry.

The 2002 edition contains over 400 revisions cover to cover!

The 2002 edition contains new safety improvements, the first requirements for emerging technologies, and new provisions for installing TVSS.

  • Article 285 provides greater Code support when handling transient voltage surge suppressors
  • Improve your efficiency handling receptacles, cord connectors, and attachment plugs by following the one-stop Article 406
  • Access rules covering fuel cell systems in the new Article 692.
  • Save time with new parallel numbering systems for Raceway and Cable Articles in Chapter 3: Wiring
  • Follow clearer safety guidelines with the completely reorganized Hazardous (Classified) Locations Articles
  • The IBEW and NJATC are applauding the 2002 NEC’s enhancements to the safety of installations, including new requirements for flash protection marking and panic hardware in Article 110, and new safety rules for motor disconnect locations in Article 430
  • Find a handy compilation of product safety standards in the new Annex A
  • Our deluxe Looseleaf National Electrical Code includes a durable 3-ring binder, so it’s easy to add your own pages, or remove Code rules for copying or reference in the field.

    Product Details

    Number of Pages:
    Part of:
    NFPA (Fire) 70SBS02
    NFPA (Fire) 70

    NFPA (Fire) 70

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    Every three years the National Electrical Code is significantly revised to keep pace with technology and enhance protection against electrical fire and shock hazards.

    The 2005 Softbound NEC is loaded with solutions designed to provide better safeguards, add greater usability, and bring provisions in-line with technology trends. It’s a “must” for anyone who works with electric conductors or equipment. Revisions include:

    • Expanded AFCI protection in wiring systems
    • New rules for GFCI protection
    • Identification of ungrounded branch circuit and feeder conductors
    • All-new articles for control panels and speed-drive systems
    • Reorganized rules in Article 220: Branch Circuit, Feeder and Service Calculations
    • New zone hazardous area classification system for combustible dusts and ignitable fibers and flyings

    With the CD-ROM edition you’ll be able to…

    • Quickly search the entire 2005 NEC by word or phrase
    • Bookmark relevant portions
    • Print text or graphics
    • Export segments into letters or reports

    Electricity is part of everyday life, and so are the risks of fire and electric shock.

    You’ll help improve electrical safety for millions of people with the latest edition of the NEC; the world’s most widely adopted safety code.

    Product Details

    Number of Pages:
    Part of:
    ICC 2006 Inspectors Collection
    NFPA (Fire) 70

    NFPA (Fire) 70

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    Hundreds of changes in the 2017 edition NEC® bring you up-to-code and ready to address new sources of electrical power.

    Throughout the United States and around the world, NFPA 70®: National Electrical Code® (NEC) sets the foundation for electrical safety in residential, commercial, and industrial occupancies. The 2017 edition of this trusted Code presents the latest comprehensive regulations for electrical wiring, overcurrent protection, grounding, and installation of equipment.

    NFPA 70: NEC has been published since 1897, and a rigorous process of review keeps it up-to-date with new technologies. In fact, more than 4,000 public inputs and 1,500 comments went into the 2017 NEC alone. Hundreds of updates and five all-new articles pave the way to a safe and efficient electrical future.

    Major additions reflect the continuing growth in renewable power technology.The newest NEC addresses the advancement of privately owned wind and solar power generation and distribution equipment – including coverage of higher voltage systems that were once only the utilities’ domain. The new consumer role is a major factor in energy decentralization, and expanded NEC coverage is vital for designers, engineers, contractors, and AHJs.

    • Large-Scale Photovoltaic (PV) Electric Supply Stations (New Article 691) covers systems that produce at least 5 megawatts (MW) of power, or enough to power 800+ U.S. homes.
    • Energy Storage Systems (New Article 706) governs ESS installation, disconnection, shutdown, and safety labeling.
    • Stand-Alone Systems (New Article 710) covers power production sources that are not connected to the grid, including PV and wind-powered systems.
    • Direct Current Microgrids (New Article 712) concerns independent energy distribution networks that allow the utilization of power from dc sources to direct-current loads. Microgrids are on the rise worldwide.

    Other NEC revisions protect the public and workers from deadly hazards.

    • New labeling, such as detailed arc flash hazard warning on equipment, helps workers and supervisors assess electrical risks.
    • New minimum space clearances for equipment installation clarify the safeguards needed to protect installers and maintainers.
    • Fixed Resistance and Electrode Industrial Process Heating Equipment (New Article 425) presents needed regulations for industry.
    • Revised provisions for AFCI and GFCI protection improve electrical and fire safety in homes.

    Be prepared to protect lives and property in the ever-changing electrical landscape. Order the 2017 National Electrical Code.

    Work with the latest requirements governing public and private buildings, homes, and structures; outdoor yards and lots; utility equipment; installations that connect to the power grid; and consumer-owned power generation systems and equipment. The 2017 NEC is better aligned with the safe work practices in NFPA 70E®: Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace®. (Softbound, Approx. 910 pp., 2017).

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    NFPA (Fire) 70

    NFPA (Fire) 70

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    2008 Edition still available for purchase.

    Technology is speeding ahead and so is the NEC®. Stay up-to-code with the 2011 National Electrical Code® direct from NFPA®.

    Adopted in all 50 states, NFPA 70®: National Electrical Code has saved untold lives with comprehensive requirements for electrical wiring and equipment. When the Code advances to incorporate new technologies, you can’t afford to fall behind! You need the 2011 NEC to safeguard people and property, and avoid violations.

    Major changes in the 2011 NEC meet consumer demand for alternate energy, green technologies, and IT equipment:

    • New Article 694 has first-time requirements for small wind electric systems.
    • Revised Article 625 includes updates on safe battery charging for plug-in hybrid vehicles that reduce the risk of explosion.
    • Revised Article 705 covers interconnecting generators, windmills, and solar and fuel cells with other power supplies.
    • New Article 840 addresses the increased demand for broadband communications systems with requirements for wireless, routers, and wireless disconnects.

    New requirements focused on workplace safety include:

    • Means to reduce incident energy (240.87)
    • Labeling at subpanels to identify feeder supply source (408.4(B))
    • Disconnecting means for transformers (450.14)

    Get first-time provisions on electrical installations over 600 volts.

    New Article 399 incorporates requirements for overhead distribution systems for large electrical system users, such as school or business campus settings.

    Bottom line: The 2011 NEC sets a new benchmark for safe electrical design, installation, and inspection. Order your copy in the bestselling Softbound format. If you’re involved with electrical safety, staying up-to-code is not optional — it’s essential! Order your Softbound Code for first delivery as soon as the 2011 NEC is published.

    Product Details

    Number of Pages:
    Product Code(s):
    NFPA (Fire) 70

    NFPA (Fire) 70

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    Industry-driven changes in the 2008 NEC® redefine electrical safety!

    Be prepared to comply in the new era for electrical safety. The NEC protects the public by establishing requirements for electrical wiring and equipment in virtually all buildings. As the field’s most important document is revised based on industry needs, order your 2008 NEC to stay competitive and up-to-code!

    Revisions in the 2008 National Electrical Code boost public safety, emergency preparedness, Code usability, and worker protection.

    Only the 2008 NEC includes the latest rules for electrical installation in residential, commercial, and industrial occupancies. It also introduces:

    • New article on Critical Operations Power Systems with provisions for electrical security in public and private facilities that must stay online during a crisis, such as public safety dispatch centers and hospital ICUs.
    • New article on Electrified Truck Parking Spaces with NEC rules for outlets to run on-board electrical systems, reducing truck emissions and fuel consumption caused by idling during driver rest times.
    • New provisions in Article 210, Article 410, and elsewhere in the Code reduce worker hazards and correlate with NFPA 70E® worker safety rules.
    • Plus hundreds of other revisions

    Usability changes facilitate your work!

    You’ll find greater consistency in grounding and bonding terminology…new shading behind revised text that lets you see what’s new at a glance…and new identifiers at the top of each page in the NEC index for speedier referencing.

    You’ll work faster and more accurately with the CD edition:

    • Download the NEC from the CD-ROM , then conduct instant searches by word or phrase. Never miss a single reference!
    • New, refined searching capabilities deliver more precise results.
    • Print, bookmark, or cut and paste text or graphics at the touch of a key.

    The NEC is a must for electrical contractors, engineers, electricians, fire service professionals, safety officials, inspectors, and architects.

    Product Details

    Number of Pages:
    Part of:
    NFPA (Fire) 70SB08, NFPA (Fire) 70LLS08, NFPA (Fire) 70LHCD08, NFPA (Fire) 70SHCD08, NFPA (Fire) 70CDCD08
    Product Code(s):
    NFPA (Fire) 70

    NFPA (Fire) 70

    Click here to purchase
    Adopted in all 50 states, NFPA 70: National Electrical Code has saved untold lives with comprehensive requirements for electrical wiring and equipment. Stay ahead in your industry and be the first to get the 2014 NEC Code Book! States will soon be adopting the 2014 NFPA 70: National Electrical Code (NEC) as the new benchmark for electrical design, installation, and inspection. Having the 2014 NEC can help you meet Code, avoid violations and re-dos, pass inspections, and keep people and buildings safe from electrical hazards. Hundreds of changes have been made to the Code. In response to input from the field, major NEC revisions will impact electrical installations in residential, commercial, and industrial occupancies. Keep your work on the cutting edge of new electrical technologies, you’ll find updated coverage on 600-volt systems, larger installations, renewable systems, small wind electric systems, DC systems, and electric vehicle charging systems.

    Product Details

    Number of Pages:
    Part of:
    National Electrical Code(R)(NEC) and Handbook Set (NFPA 70), 2014 Edition

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