NFPA (Fire) 405

NFPA (Fire) 405

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Use NFPA 405 to prepare ARFF personnel for the full range of airport emergencies.

NFPA 405: Standard for the Recurring Proficiency of Airport Fire Fighters covers everything airport authorities need to know about ARFF (Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting) personnel proficiency. Chapters encompass airport familiarization, ARFF personnel safety, PPE, aircraft cargo hazards, emergency communication systems, ARFF vehicles and equipment, extinguishing agents, live fire fighting, EMS (Emergency Medical Services, and more.

This 2010 edition includes:

* Added live fire requirements, and a new provision that personnel shall meet the requirements of NFPA 1003: Standard for Airport Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications prior to being assigned to ARFF operations
* Expanded Annex material addressing alternative way to conduct recurrent training, especially through the use of computer-based training (CBT) simulations
* Format and editorial changes that improve readability and usability

For airport fire chiefs and airport managers who want ongoing training, NFPA 405 establishes vital criteria that can be used by airports around the world.

Product Details

9780877659297, 9780877659778
Number of Pages:
NFPA (Fire) 405

NFPA (Fire) 405

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This standard contains the required performancecriteria by which an authority having jurisdiction over aircraftrescue and fire-fighting (ARFF) maintains proficiency and effectiveARFF at airports.

Product Details

ANSI Approved
Number of Pages:
NFPA (Fire) 405

NFPA (Fire) 405

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The essential standard for the recurring proficiency of aircraft rescue and firefighting (ARFF) personnel for the full range of airport emergencies has been significantly updated to account for improved technologies and industry best practices. NFPA 405, Standard for the Recurring Proficiency of Airport Fire Fighters, 2020 edition, addresses everything airport fire chiefs and managers need to know to keep ARFF personnel trained, equipped, and ready with all-new chapter formatting, expanded content, and updated criteria and requirements.

Product Details

ANSI Approved
Number of Pages:
NFPA (Fire) 405

NFPA (Fire) 405

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To respond effectively, ARFF personnel must be prepared to deal with the full range of airport emergencies. This document covers everything airport authorities need to know. For airport fire chiefs and airport managers who want ongoing training, NFPA 405 establishes vital criteria that can be used by airports around the world.

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