NFPA (Fire) 275

NFPA (Fire) 275

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Promote better fire safety. To evaluate thermal barriers accurately, conduct fire tests according to the 2017 edition of NFPA 275.

With updated references to codes and standards that reflect the latest building industry and public fire safety needs, NFPA 275: Standard Method of Fire Tests for the Evaluation of Thermal Barriers presents a method for qualifying the fire performance of thermal barriers to reduce the probability of ignition or delay its occurrence.

NFPA 275 addresses the protection of metal composite materials (MCM) as well as foam plastic insulation.

Intended for reference by model building codes and used by manufacturers, testing laboratories, and engineers, this important Standard is applicable to building construction materials, products, or assemblies used to protect foam plastic insulation or MCM from direct fire exposure.

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NFPA (Fire) 275

NFPA (Fire) 275

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This method of fire tests for qualifying a thermalbarrier for protecting foam plastic insulation or metal compositematerials (MCM), herein referred to as a thermal barrier, isapplicable to building construction materials, products, orassemblies intended to be used to protect foam plastic insulationor MCM from direct fire exposure.

The performance of the thermal barrier is evaluated byits ability to limit the temperature rise on its unexposed surfaceand by the ability of the thermal barrier to remain intact inorder to provide protection from ignition of the foam plasticinsulation or MCM during a standard fire exposure.

This method of fire tests does not evaluate thermal barriersused in or on upholstered furniture or mattresses.

This standard does not purport to address all safetyproblems or considerations associated with its use.

The purpose of this method of fire tests is to evaluate theability of the thermal barrier to prevent ignition of foam plasticinsulation or MCM from a standard fire exposure for a periodof 15 minutes.

The purpose of this method of fire tests is also to evaluatethe ability of the thermal barrier to remain in place andprevent ignition of foam plastic insulation or MCM for a periodof 15 minutes during a standard room/corner fire exposure.

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