NFPA (Fire) 221

NFPA (Fire) 221

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Help protect lives and reduce damage by referencing NFPA 221 for the latest requirements for fire-rated walls.

Fire wall assemblies are intended to offer an effective means of slowing the spread of fire and reducing loss. NFPA 221, Standard for High Challenge Fire Walls, Fire Walls, and Fire Barrier Walls, provides AHJs, architects, engineers, and anyone involved in building construction with comprehensive criteria for the proper design and construction of these structures. The standard covers general requirements for fire resistance ratings, performance-based design, and other considerations for high challenge fire walls, fire walls, and fire barrier walls, including protection of openings and penetrations.

The updated 2021 edition offers the most relevant and complete provisions for fire wall assemblies.

NFPA 221 assists in understanding and differentiating between the various kinds of walls, so you can make the right decisions to help safeguard people and property.

Significant changes to the 2021 edition include:

  • Added requirements to the performance-based design of walls designed using analytical methods to determine the performance of structural systems under uncontrolled fire exposure
  • Expanded guidance on insulation applied to the exterior of the vertical surface of fire walls
  • Revisions to requirements for buildings in high-wind-prone regions to coordinate with changes in the building code to mitigate small windborne debris damage

Take confidence you have the right information to help ensure fire walls are designed and constructed to perform as intended.

Get access to the most current criteria by ordering your copy of NFPA 221, Standard for High Challenge Fire Walls, Fire Walls, and Fire Barrier Walls, 2021 edition. (Print, 36 pp., 2021)

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ANSI Approved
Number of Pages:
NFPA (Fire) 221

NFPA (Fire) 221

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Safeguard people and property by designing and constructing rated wall assemblies using updated NFPA 221.

Construct fire walls and fire barrier walls to keep fire from spreading. You’ll protect building occupants, limit property damage, and help fire fighters do their jobs safely and effectively with the 2015 NFPA 221: Standard for High Challenge Fire Walls, Fire Walls, and Fire Barrier Walls.

Understand the requirements for fire rated walls in order to protect certain occupancies or hazards.

Of vital importance to architects, engineers, and anyone involved with building construction, NFPA 221 identifies and provides a focus to differentiate between types of fire walls. It presents comprehensive requirements for the design and construction of all types of rated wall assemblies including:

  • High challenge fire walls
  • Fire walls
  • Fire barrier walls
  • Protection of openings and penetrations
    • Update to the new 2015 edition.

      Requirements describing the grade plane were added to Chapter 4, and references to floor and ceiling assemblies were removed. The 2015 NFPA 221 is an important resource for AHJs, engineers, architects, and construction industry professionals.

      Product Details

      Number of Pages:
NFPA (Fire) 221

NFPA (Fire) 221

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Safeguard people and property by designing and constructing rated wall assemblies using the 2018 edition of NFPA 221.

Protect building occupants, limit property damage, and help fire fighters do their jobs safely and effectively with the 2018 edition of NFPA 221: Standard for High Challenge Fire Walls, Fire Walls, and Fire Barrier Walls.

This important Standard helps you construct fire walls and fire barrier walls to keep fire from spreading.

NFPA 221 helps you understand the requirements for fire rated walls in order to protect certain occupancies or hazards. Of vital importance to architects, engineers, and anyone involved with building construction, it identifies and provides a focus to differentiate between types of fire walls. The Standard presents comprehensive requirements for the design and construction of all types of rated wall assemblies including:

  • High challenge fire walls
  • Fire walls
  • Fire barrier walls
  • Protection of openings and penetrations

Update to the new, user-friendlier 2018 edition featuring:

  • Clarified design load requirements
  • A new section that allows use of the performance-based design of walls method from ASCE/SEI 7, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures
  • Added Annex material that provides testing options in areas where there is potential for hydrocarbon fuel fires
  • Reference document updates
  • ASCE definitions reprinted with permission from ASCE

NFPA 22 is a critical resource for AHJs, engineers, architects, and construction industry professionals.

Product Details

ANSI Approved
Number of Pages:
NFPA (Fire) 221

NFPA (Fire) 221

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Minimize fire spread to safeguard lives and property by designing and constructing rated wall assemblies according to the 2012 NFPA 221.

Keep fire from spreading out of control to protect building occupants, limit property damage, and help fire fighters do their jobs safely and effectively with the 2012 NFPA 221: Standard for High Challenge Fire Walls, Fire Walls, and Fire Barrier Walls.

This important Standard presents comprehensive requirements for the design and construction of all types of rated wall assemblies, including high challenge fire walls, fire walls, and fire barrier walls, along with protection of openings and penetrations. NFPA 221 identifies and provides a focus to differentiate between types of fire walls and also includes a general chapter that applies to all types of wall assemblies.

The 2012 Edition updates all references and contains editorial revisions to improve usability, consistency, and comprehension. It’s an important resource for authorities having jurisdiction (AHJs), engineers, architects, and construction industry professionals.

Product Details

978145590105, 9781455901050
Number of Pages:

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