IEEE P1453

IEEE P1453

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Revision Standard – Active – Draft.This standard provides background information on supply voltage fluctuations caused by fluctuations in power demands of installations. This standard presents the manifestation of these supply voltage fluctuations as lamp flicker. The standard presents a flicker measurement method using a meter that is described in IEC 61000-4-15. This standard defines the short-term (Pst) and long-term (Plt) indices used for the quantification of lamp flicker. For different system voltages, this standard defines planning levels for flicker that the utilities need their system to be limited to in order to avoid customer complaints. This standard defines the procedure for determining emission limits for individual installations at the Point of Common Coupling (PCC) so that the planning levels can be achieved in practice. Then, an assessment procedure for evaluating flicker compliance against emission limits is described. This standard also presents methodologies to analyze background flicker to identify the flicker contribution of individual sources. This standard also addresses rapid voltage changes (RVCs) that are caused by various system events such as switching of capacitor banks, energization of power transformers and starting of induction motors. The document provides methods to estimate flicker or RVCs at the PCC for various types of fluctuating installations. The document includes example terms and language that can be the basis for defining relative responsibilities and assessment methods for installations that may cause flicker and RVCs.

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