IEEE 535-2022

IEEE 535-2022

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Revision Standard – Active.Qualification methods for Class 1E vented lead acid batteries and racks to be used in nuclear power generating stations outside primary containment are described in this standard. Qualifications required by IEEE Std 308 can be demonstrated by using the procedures in this standard in accordance with IEEE Std 323. The application of batteries in nuclear power generating stations can be divided into two sections: duty cycles equal to or less than 8 h and duty cycles greater than 8 h. A process to demonstrate qualifications for both applications is provided in this standard

Product Details

9781504492775, 9781504492782, 9781504494069
Number of Pages:
File Size:
1 file , 1 MB
Product Code(s):
STD25837, STDPD25837, STDPL25935
This product is unavailable in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus

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