IEC 61108-6 Ed. 1.0 en:2023

IEC 61108-6 Ed. 1.0 en:2023

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This part of IEC 61108 specifies the minimum performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results for the Indian regional navigation satellite system (IRNSS), also known as Navigation with Indian Constellation (NavIC), shipborne receiver equipment, based on IMO resolution MSC.449(99), which uses the signals from NavIC/IRNSS in order to determine position.

This document takes account of the general requirements given in IMO resolution A.694(17) and is associated with IEC 60945. When a requirement in this document is different from IEC 60945, the requirement in this document takes precedence. This document also takes into account, as appropriate, requirements for the presentation of navigation-related information on shipborne navigational displays given in IMO resolution MSC.191(79) and is associated with IEC 62288. This document further takes into account, as appropriate, requirements for bridge alert management given in IMO resolution MSC.302(87) and is associated with IEC 62923-1.

This document applies to navigation in ocean waters for the standard positioning service and harbour entrances, harbour approaches and coastal waters, as defined in IMO resolution A.1046(27) within IRNSS/NavIC coverage area as given in IMO resolution MSC 449(99).

All text of this document whose meaning is identical to that in IMO resolution MSC. 449(99) is printed in italics and the resolution and paragraph number indicated between brackets, i.e. “(M.449(99)/A1.2)”.

The requirements in Clause 4 are cross-referenced to the tests in Clause 5 and vice versa.

NOTE 1 A description of the IRNSS standard positioning service can be found in the interface control documents which were officially released in 2017 in the public domain (see ISRO-IRNSS-ICD-SPS-1.1).

NOTE 2 The IRNSS constellation was renamed as “NavIC” (navigation with Indian constellation) in 2016.

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