IEC 61000-4-6 Ed. 5.0 en:2023

IEC 61000-4-6 Ed. 5.0 en:2023

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This part of IEC 61000 relates to the conducted immunity requirements of electrical and electronic equipment to electromagnetic disturbances coming from intended radio-frequency (RF) transmitters in the frequency range 150 kHz up to 80 MHz.

NOTE 1 Product committees might decide to use the methods described in this document also for frequencies up to 230 MHz (see Annex B) although the methods and test instrumentation are intended to be used in the frequency range up to 80 MHz.

Equipment not having at least one conducting wire or cable (such as mains supply, signal line or earth connection) which can couple the equipment to the disturbing RF fields is excluded from the scope of this document.

NOTE 2 Test methods are specified in this part of IEC 61000 to assess the effect that conducted disturbing signals, induced by electromagnetic radiation, have on the equipment concerned.

The simulation and measurement of these conducted disturbances are not adequately exact for the quantitative determination of effects. The test methods specified are structured for the primary objective of establishing adequate repeatability of results at various facilities for quantitative analysis of effects.

The object of this document is to establish a common reference for evaluating the functional immunity of electrical and electronic equipment when subjected to conducted disturbances induced by RF fields. The test method in this document describes a consistent method to assess the immunity of an equipment or system against a specified phenomenon.

NOTE 3 As described in IEC Guide 107, this document is a basic EMC publication for use by product committees of the IEC. As also stated in Guide 107, the IEC product committees are responsible for determining whether this immunity test standard should be applied or not, and if applied, they are responsible for determining the appropriate test levels and performance criteria.

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