DE-93-11-4 — Determination of Refrigerant Type Using Vapor Thermal Conductivity Measurements of a Controlled Vapor Sample

DE-93-11-4 — Determination of Refrigerant Type Using Vapor Thermal Conductivity Measurements of a Controlled Vapor Sample

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Explores the use of vapour thermal conductivity as a means for distinguishing among different refrigerant types. Once a controlled vapour sample of refrigerant is collected, a thermistor measures the thermal conductivity of the gas. A combination of the temperature and the thermal conductivity of the gas gives an indication of the refrigerant type.

KEYWORDS: vapours, thermal conductivity, refrigerants, measuring, thermistors, gas, temperature.

Citation: Symposium, ASHRAE Trans., 1993, vol.99, part 2, paper number DE-93-1-1, 429-439, 7 figs, 2 tabs, refs.

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