CIE x048-PO59

CIE x048-PO59

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LED wide beam angle lamps have been widely used but might leading to glare or light pollution easily than traditional floodlighting lamps. Standards for wide beam angle products is not enough and a laboratory experiment was carried out in which visual and emotional comfort was used as evaluation items. 3 linear lamps (3000K/4000K/5000K) were used to evaluate emotional and visual comfort changes by performing different brightness or dynamic speed. Results showed that both brightness and dynamic speed could lead to negative feelings while emotional discomfort always occurs behind the eyes discomfort. A higher brightness could leading to more negative evaluations, while some people think that medium brightness gives a more comfort feeling. A faster speed leads to more negative evaluation while some subjects prefer a medium speed (both in shading and erasure situations); In different lighting scenes, the significance of different indicators is different.

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