CIE x048-PO46

CIE x048-PO46

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The use of passive techniques in architecture is welcome. A renowned Brazilian architect, Severiano Mário Porto, developed over 200 projects and became an icon of Brazilian modernism, specifically in the Amazon, working with this prerogative. This work aims to combine the analysis of the lighting quality in Severiano’s projects, corroborating the recognized fame of the “Architect of the Amazon”. The research procedures adopted were: documentary survey, selection of case studies, application of a monitoring protocol with photometric analysis and user consultation, and daylight computer simulation. In terms of daylighting, when applied the monitoring protocol on the current state of the building, the lighting values are not satisfactory according to Brazilian standards. As the view outside, the results showed medium and high quality. The questionnaires point to high levels of satisfaction. The computer simulations show the daylighting potential of the original design. There is clear evidence that the actual condition wastes the potential of the original design in terms of daylight use.

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