CIE x048-PO09

CIE x048-PO09

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The purpose of this study is to quantify the Hunt Effect in a range from indoor lighting levels to outdoor daylight levels so that a perception model of Hunt Effect for lighting can be developed with outdoor daylight as the reference. Our previous study experimentally quantified the perceived chroma changes due to the Hunt Effect at 100 lx and 1000 lx. To extend this to light levels closer to outdoor daylight, a vision experiment was conducted at 1000 lx and 6000 lx for red, green, yellow, and blue patches. A reference patch on one side of a double booth at 1000 lx was compared to a set of 20 test patches on the other side of the booth at 6000 lx using haploscopic view condition. Results showed that the perceived chroma changes are much smaller and insignificant compared to the results between 100 lx and 1000 lx found in our previous study.

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