CIE x048-OP62

CIE x048-OP62

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The visual environment has an impact on subjective strain and headaches. A visual ergonomics risk assessment method, VERAM, was used on 217 workplaces, and consists of both of a subjective questionnaire and an objective risk assessment, the latter risks are presented in this paper. The risk for daylight was assessed to be yellow (moderate risk) or red (high risk) at 53% of the workplaces and the risk for glare was yellow or red at 66%. The assessment of the lighting design showed a yellow or red risk at 44% of the workplaces and the illuminance was assessed to be insufficient at 49% of the workplaces. Flicker or TLM (temporal light modulation) was assessed to be a problem among 33%. These results show that the design of the visual environment is in most cases not performed in a satisfying way. The visual environment is essential to increase wellbeing, health and performance.

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