CIE x048-OP35

CIE x048-OP35

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This paper has been developed in the IEA SHC Task 61 Integrated Solutions for Daylighting and Electric Lighting scope. Task 61 aims at developing and testing strategies and solutions combining daylighting, electric lighting, and the most suitable control systems. Some of the planned activities, especially in the Subtask A: User perspective and requirements, were not possible due to the Coronavirus pandemic restrictions. On the other side, new challenges emerged, for example, the migration of workplaces to homes. It occurred both for professionals and students, and the lighting conditions in these new improvised workplaces are unknown. In this context, the article presents the part of the home office survey aiming to understand lighting conditions for students in home offices in different countries: Brazil, Italy, Japan, Columbia, Denmark, and Poland. The paper also seeks to define the current limitations of a home office in providing a resilient visual environment.

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