CIE x044:2017

CIE x044:2017

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In October 2017 CIE held its Midterm Meeting in Jeju, Republic of Korea. The meetingwas accompanied by a 3-days conference on the subject “Smarter Lighting for BetterLife”. In 5 invited presentations, 57 oral presentations, 49 presented posters, 61posters and 7 workshops experts from all over the world presented latest researchresults and survey lectures on various subjects related to light and lighting, e.g.”Colour quality”, “Metrology for photometric and radiometric devices”, “Glare”, “Roadlighting”, “Interior environment and lighting design”, “Exterior lighting”, “Lighting andhealth”, “Visual perception in interior lighting”, “Eye-related metrology”.

The Proceedings of this Conference consist of 1215 pages including 158 papers oforal and poster presentations.

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1 file , 63 MB

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