CIE 193:2010

CIE 193:2010

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This report makes recommendations for emergency lighting in road tunnels longerthan 500 m, to facilitate the safe evacuation of vehicle occupants in emergencysituations such as fire. The recommendations may also be valid for tunnels less than500 m in length, where conditions such as high traffic volume, or severe curvature orgradient apply. It The report addresses the fundamental issues of emergency lightingfor evacuation routes, emergency exits, escape routes and lay-bys, as well as givingsome practical advice regarding aspects of installation and maintenance in roadtunnels. It recommends lighting levels and general provisions for emergency lightinginstallations that, based on experience, are considered to be necessary for the safetyof people driving through road tunnels in case of an incident and particularly of fire.However, as there are different types of road tunnels, both in construction and trafficconditions and various types of incidents may occur, this report should be consideredas a list of minimum recommendations for emergency lighting in tunnels, to becompleted by means of specific risk analysis for the particular tunnel.

This report is intended to be used in conjunction with CIE 88 (2nd revision – 2004or any further revision) or with relevant Regional or National standards, directivesand regulations for road tunnel lighting. The latter may include requirements thatdiffer from the recommendations of this report, and take priority over them. Beforefollowing the recommendations of the report in a particular location, the existence ofany relevant legal requirements should be investigated.

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