CIE 184:2009

CIE 184:2009

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The CIE recommended daylight illuminants in 1967. These daylight illuminantscontained ultraviolet radiation in proportions as found in natural outdoor daylight.Indoors this daylight is filtered by the transmission of the window glass; therefore itbecame necessary to define spectral power distributions also for the indoor daylightphases. The TC recommends adoption of two indoor daylight illuminants ID50 andID65, that correspond to the phases of daylight of about 5000 K and 6500 K

The publication is written in English, with a short summary in French andGerman. It consists of 22 pages with 5 figures and 2 tables.correlated colour temperature. Tables of the spectra are provided at 5 nm intervalsfrom 300 nm to 780 nm, along with the rationale for their development and detailedcomparison with existing daylight illuminants.

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1 file , 420 KB

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