CIE 121-SP1:2009

CIE 121-SP1:2009

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This report provides information regarding the photometric measurements of emergencylighting luminaires. It is the intention of this document to provide measurement methods fortesting the compliance of emergency luminaires with the photometric requirements of IECsafety standards IEC 60598-2-22 and IEC 61347-2-7 issued by IEC/TC34 “Lamps and relatedequipment”. Photometric methods for the measurement of other photometric parameterscurrently in use are also provided, but the measurement of safety signs is not included.Measurement procedures relate to the editions in use at the date of publication of this reportand may vary for future editions. It is the responsibility of the laboratory to check for currentapplicable procedures. The concept of emergency ballast lumen factor applies only toemergency luminaires equipped with classical discharge lamps and for which a referenceballast has been normalised. For LED luminaires mostly absolute values apply, not related tothe luminous flux of the LEDs alone.

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