ASME RT-2-2014

ASME RT-2-2014

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This standard applies to carbodies of newly constructed heavy rail transit vehicles for transit passenger service. It defines requirements for the incorporation of passive safety design concepts related to the performance of the carbody of heavy rail transit vehicles in conditions such as collisions, so as to enhance passenger safety, and limit and control damage.

This Standard does not cover light rail vehicles, automated people movers, and freight, commuter, or high speed rail vehicles. It does not cover structural repairs, fatigue, corrosion, fire protection, interior vehicle design or emergency egress from vehicle.RT-2-2014 Safety Standard for Structural Requirements for Heavy Rail Transit Vehicles, arose from an industry groundswell to address the heavier-duty carbody requirements of North America versus those of Europe (which are governed by European standards EN12663, EN15663 and EN15227.)

This Standard is unique for utilizing Crash Energy Management (CEM) protocols. CEM represents the latest best-practices of design, testing, analysis and manufacture-enhancing crashworthiness by assigning certain sections of the carbody the task of absorbing a portion of the energy of collision by crushing in a controlled manner.

Proper application of CEM preserves occupant volume, while minimizing the consequences of occupant impacts with the vehicle interior. Production efficiencies may also be realized via CEM.

Intended for rail-transit carbody manufacturers and their suppliers of components and raw materials, as well as the owners and operators of rail-transit systems, plus all potential governing entities.

Product Details

ANSI Approved
Number of Pages:
File Size:
1 file , 1.1 MB
Redline File Size:
2 files , 5.6 MB

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