ASA S2.72-2003/Part 4 / ISO 2631-4:2001 (R2018)

ASA S2.72-2003/Part 4 / ISO 2631-4:2001 (R2018)

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The purpose of this part of ANSI S2.72 / ISO 2631 is to help in the design and evaluation of fixedguidewaypassenger systems, with regard to the impact of vibration and repetitive motions onpassenger comfort. Fixed-guideway vehicles provide a predictable but complex multi-axis motionenvironment that is a function of the guideway, vehicle and seat or berth. Passengers evaluate ridecomfort not only based on motion but also on their expectations with regard to the class of service thatthey have purchased. The duration of the trip has not been demonstrated to be a direct factor inpredicting comfort (with the possible exception of kinetosis), but the anticipated duration of the trip isrelated to the types of activities passengers expect to accomplish while on board. Passengers on tripsof more than a few minutes may expect to read, write, eat and drink; on trips of longer duration theywill expect to sleep. To the extent that ride-induced vibration interferes with these activities,passengers may rate differently the comfort of vehicles with the same motion environment but differentexpected levels of service or different trip durations. Passengers are likely to judge comfort based onthe interaction of vibration with factors such as acoustic noise, temperature, humidity, air quality andseat design.

Product Details

ANSI Approved
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1 file , 710 KB

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