ANS 3.8.3-1995

ANS 3.8.3-1995

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This standard establishes the criteria for developing a radiological emergency response plan and implementing procedures necessary to coordinate an integrated emergency response at a commercial nuclear power plant. The radiological emergency response plan is the administrative document that establishes the licensee’s commitments to emergency preparedness and response. The procedures are licensee’s documents that implement the radiological emergency response plan. Implementing procedures address the following areas: (1) emergency classification, (2) emergency response organization duties and responsibilities, (3) notification, (4) emergency response facilities activation and operation, (5) emergency teams, (6) personnel protection, (7) environmental assessment, (8) public information, (9) de-escalation, (10) recovery planning, and (11) maintaining emergency preparedness.

Product Details

ANSI Approved
Number of Pages:
File Size:
1 file , 880 KB

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