AASHTO T 393-22

AASHTO T 393-22

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This test method covers the determination of Mode I (tensile opening mode during crack propagation) cracking resistance properties of asphalt mixtures at intermediate test temperatures. Specimens are tested in the semicircular bend geometry, which is a half disc with a notch parallel to the direction of load application. The data analysis procedure associated with this test determines the fracture energy (Gf) and post peak slope (m) of the load–load line displacement (LLD) curve. These parameters are used to develop a flexibility index (FI) to predict the fracture resistance of an asphalt mixture at intermediate temperatures. The FI can be used as part of the asphalt mixture approval process.

These procedures apply to test specimens having a nominal maximum aggregate size (NMAS) of 19 mm or less. Lab compacted and pavement core specimens can be tested according to this test procedure. A thickness correction factor will need to be developed and applied for pavement cores tested at a thickness less than 45 mm.

This standard was formerly designated as provisional standard TP 124.

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