3740 — A Theoretical Study of a Personal Cooling Garment that Utilises Natural Evaporation

3740 — A Theoretical Study of a Personal Cooling Garment that Utilises Natural Evaporation

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Describes a type of personal cooling garment composed of a cold surface separated from the skin by an air gap so that cooling is effected by natural convection, radiation and evaporation, with no forced convection. Compares it to conduction garments. Finds that the proposed garment is superior to nonregulatable conduction garments in that it remains effective over a much wider range of steady state operating conditions. States this increased range is due to the use of the body’s ability to regulate temperature by sweating, a method that is bypassed on conduction cooling.

KEYWORDS: Clothing, cooling, thermal comfort, calculating

Citation: ASHRAE Trans. 1994, vol.10, part 1, paper no.3740, 49-62, 7 figs, 1 tab, refs.

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