11/23/202111/21/2021NORSOK D-007 Well testing, clean-up and flowback systemsstandard by NORSOK, 03/26/2021
05/11/202105/10/2021NORSOK D-010 Well integrity in drilling and well operationsstandard by NORSOK, 01/11/2021
05/11/202105/10/2021NORSOK M-630 Material data sheets and element data sheets for pipingstandard by NORSOK, 12/08/2020
09/11/202004/07/2020NORSOK R-002:2017/AC:2019 Corrigendum AC - Lifting equipmentAmendment by NORSOK, 10/14/2019
09/11/202012/21/2019NORSOK M-120 Material data sheets for structural steelstandard by NORSOK, 11/27/2008
09/11/202012/21/2019NORSOK U-102 Remotely operated vehicle (ROV) servicesstandard by NORSOK, 01/12/2016