NEMA TC 18-2004
Packaging of Master Bundles for EPC-40 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Conduitstandard by National Electrical Manufacturers Association,
Packaging of Master Bundles for EPC-40 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Conduitstandard by National Electrical Manufacturers Association,
Land-Based Steam Turbine Generator Sets 0-33,000 kWstandard by National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 01/01/1991
Binational Wire and Cable Packaging Standardstandard by National Electrical Manufacturers Association,
Smooth Wall Coilable Electrical Polyethylene Conduitstandard by National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 07/01/2013
Emergency Communications Audio Intelligibility Applications Guidestandard by National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 09/01/2008
Interconnection Circuitry of Noncoded Remote Station Protective Signaling Systemsstandard by National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 01/01/1989
NEMA Guidelines for the Selection and Installation of Underground Nonmetallic Racewaysstandard by National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 09/01/2013
Guide for Proper Use of System Smoke Detectorsstandard by National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 2017
Dimmers, Photoelectric Controls, Presence Sensors, and Multi-Outlet Bars: Energy Consumption Testing and Labelingstandard by National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 09/01/2013
Transformers, Step Voltage Regulators and Reactorsstandard by National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 2014
Smooth-Wall Coilable Electrical Polyethylene Conduitstandard by National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 03/15/2017
Solid State Lighting (SSL) Standards Setstandard by National Electrical Manufacturers Association,