NACE TM0190-2017

NACE TM0190-2017

Standard Test Method - Impressed Current Laboratory Testing of Aluminum and Zinc Alloy Anodesstandard by National Association of Corrosion Engineers, 03/01/2017

NACE SP0775-2013

NACE SP0775-2013

Preparation, Installation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Corrosion Coupons in Oilfield Operationsstandard by National Association of Corrosion Engineers, 09/09/2012

NACE 1C187

NACE 1C187

Use of Galvanic Probe Corrosion Monitors in Oil and Gas Drilling and Production OperationsReport / Survey by National Association of Corrosion Engineers,

NACE SP0170-2012

NACE SP0170-2012

Protection of Austenitic Stainless Steels and Other Austenitic Alloys from Polythionic Acid Stress Corrosion Cracking During Shutdown of Refinery Equipmentstandard by National

NACE SP0116-2016

NACE SP0116-2016

Multiphase Flow Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment (MP-ICDA) Methodology for Pipelinesstandard by National Association of Corrosion Engineers, 02/12/2016

NACE SP0398-2014

NACE SP0398-2014

Recommendation for Training and Qualifying Personnel as Railcar Coating and Lining Inspectorsstandard by National Association of Corrosion Engineers, 10/27/2014

NACE 11106

NACE 11106

Monitoring and Adjustment of Cooling Water Treatment Operating ParametersReport / Survey by National Association of Corrosion Engineers, 05/01/2006

NACE SP0287-2016

NACE SP0287-2016

Field Measurement of Surface Profile of Abrasive Blast-Cleaned Steel Surfaces Using a Replica Tapestandard by National Association of Corrosion Engineers, 05/13/2016

NACE 10A392

NACE 10A392

Effectiveness of Cathodic Protection on Thermally Insulated Underground Metallic StructuresReport / Survey by National Association of Corrosion Engineers, 09/01/2006

NACE RP0602-2002

NACE RP0602-2002

Standard Recommended Practice - Field-Applied Coal Tar Enamel Pipe Coating Systems: Application, Performance, and Quality Controlstandard by National Association of Corrosion Engineers,

NACE SP0207-2007

NACE SP0207-2007

Performing Close-Interval Potential Surveys and DC Surface Potential Gradient Surveys on Buried or Submerged Metallic Pipelinesstandard by National Association of Corrosion Engineers,

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