NACE RP0199-04

NACE RP0199-04

Installation of Stainless Chromium-Nickel Steel and Nickel-Alloy Roll-Bonded and Explosion-Bonded Clad Plate in Air Pollution Control Equipmentstandard by National Association of Corrosion

NACE RP0300-2000

NACE RP0300-2000

Pilot Scale Evaluation of Corrosion and Scale Control Additives for Open Recirculating Cooling Water Systemsstandard by National Association of Corrosion Engineers, 06/16/2000

NACE RP0195-2001

NACE RP0195-2001

Standard Recommended Practice - Recommended Practice for Corrosion Control of Sucker Rods by Chemical Treatmentstandard by National Association of Corrosion Engineers,

NACE RP0177-95

NACE RP0177-95

Standard Recommended Practice - Mitigation of Alternating Current and Lightning Effects on Metallic Structures and Corrosion Control Systemsstandard by National Association of

NACE TM0197-97

NACE TM0197-97

Laboratory Screening Test to Determine the Ability of Scale Inhibitors to Prevent the Precipitation of Barium Sulfate and/or Strontium Sulfate from Solutionstandard

NACE TM0374-2001

NACE TM0374-2001

Standard Test Method - Laboratory Screening Tests to Determine the Ability of Scale Inhibitors to Prevent the Precipitation of Calcium Sulfate and

NACE 1F192

NACE 1F192

Use of Corrosion-Resistant Alloys in Oilfield EnvironmentsReport / Survey by National Association of Corrosion Engineers, 03/01/2000

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