JIS G 0582:2022

JIS G 0582:2022

Automated ultrasonic examination of steel pipes and tubesstandard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards Association, 01/01/2022

JIS B 7507:2022

JIS B 7507:2022

Geometrical product specifications (GPS) -- Dimensional measuring equipment -- Vernier, dial and digital callipersstandard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards Association,

JIS B 1857-1:2015

JIS B 1857-1:2015

Curvilinear toothed synchronous belt drive systems for general power transmission -- Part 1: Beltstandard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards Association,

JIS G 3191:2022

JIS G 3191:2022

Dimensions, mass, shape and permissible variations of hot rolled steel bars and bar in coilstandard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards

JIS G 3472:2022

JIS G 3472:2022

Electric resistance welded carbon steel tubes for automobilestandard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards Association, 01/01/2022

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