ISA RP12.06.01-2003

ISA RP12.06.01-2003

Recommended Practice for Wiring Methods for Hazardous (Classified) Locations Instrumentation Part 1: Intrinsic Safetystandard by The International Society of Automation, 04/16/2003

ISA TP-973006

ISA TP-973006

Systematic Failures in Safety Systems: Some Observations on the ISA-S84 Standardstandard by The International Society of Automation, 01/01/1997

ISA 95.00.04-2012

ISA 95.00.04-2012

Enterprise-Control System Integration - Part 4: Objects and attributes for manufacturing operations management integrationstandard by The International Society of Automation, 08/27/2012

ISA 96.03.01-2012

ISA 96.03.01-2012

Guidelines for the Specification of Heavy Duty Pneumatically Powered Quarter Turn Valve Actuatorsstandard by The International Society of Automation, 12/03/2012

ISA 61241-10-2

ISA 61241-10-2

Explosive Atmospheres - Part 10-2: Classification of Areas - Combustible Dust Atmospheresstandard by The International Society of Automation, 09/13/2013

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