IEEE P1451.0
IEEE Draft Standard for a Smart Transducer Interface for Sensors, Actuators, Devices, and Systems - Common Functions, Communication Protocols, and Transducer Electronic
IEEE Draft Standard for a Smart Transducer Interface for Sensors, Actuators, Devices, and Systems - Common Functions, Communication Protocols, and Transducer Electronic
IEEE Standard for Data Storage Systems for Automated Drivingstandard by IEEE, 08/04/2023
IEEE Draft Trial-Use Recommended Practice for Pulse-Type Partial Discharge Measurements on Individual Stator Coils and Barsstandard by IEEE,
IEEE Draft Guide for Temperature Measurements for Liquid Immersed Transformers and Reactorsstandard by IEEE,
IEEE Draft Guide for Centralized Protection and Control (CPC) Systems within a Substationstandard by IEEE,
IEEE Draft Standard for Electricity Access Requirements with Safety Extra Low Voltage (SELV) DC for Tier 2 and Tier 3 of the
IEEE Approved Draft Standard for Calculating the Current-Temperature Relationship of Bare Overhead Conductorsstandard by IEEE, 09/27/2023
IEEE Draft Standard for Ethernet Amendment: Media Access Control Parameters for 800 Gb/s and Physical Layers and Management Parameters for 400 Gb/s
IEEE Draft Standard for Functional Safety Data Format for Interoperability within the Dependability Lifecyclestandard by IEEE,
IEEE Approved Draft Guide for Control and Protection System test of Hybrid Multi-terminal High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) Systemsstandard by IEEE, 09/03/2023
IEEE Draft Recommended Practice for Electrical Installations on Shipboard -- Controls and Automationstandard by IEEE,
IEEE Draft Guide for Near Field Characterization of Unintentional Stochastic Radiatorsstandard by IEEE,