CTA 2045.1

CTA 2045.1

Modular Communications Interface for Firmware Transfer Message Set (Formerly ANSI/CEA 2045.1)standard by Consumer Technology Association (Formerly CEA), 07/01/2014

CTA 770.3-D

CTA 770.3-D

High Definition TV Analog Component Video Interface (Formerly CEA)standard by Consumer Technology Association (Formerly CEA), 02/01/2008

CTA 639 (R2010)

CTA 639 (R2010)

Consumer Camcorder or Video Camera Low Light Performance (R2010) (Formerly ANSI/CEA 639)standard by Consumer Technology Association (Formerly CEA), 12/01/2010

CTA 2031 (R2014)

CTA 2031 (R2014)

Testing and Measurement Methods for Mobile Loudspeaker Systems (Formerly ANSI/CEA-2031)standard by Consumer Technology Association (Formerly CEA), 09/01/2008

CTA 2027-B

CTA 2027-B

A User Interface Specification for Home Networks Using Web-based Protocols (Formerly CEA 2027-B)standard by Consumer Technology Association (Formerly CEA), 10/01/2007

CTA 516 S-2013

CTA 516 S-2013

Joint EIA/CVCC Recommended Practice for Teletext: North American Basic Teletext Specification (NABTS) (Formerly CEA)standard by Consumer Technology Association (Formerly CEA), 12/20/2013



Best Practices for Implementing Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) based Alerts for Consumer Electronics Devices (Formerly CEA-CEB25)standard by Consumer Technology Association (Formerly CEA),

CTA 542-D

CTA 542-D

Cable Television Channel Identification Plan (Formerly CEA 542-D)standard by Consumer Technology Association (Formerly CEA), 06/21/2013

CTA 775-2-A

CTA 775-2-A

Service Selection Information for Digital Storage Media Interoperability (Formerly CEA)standard by Consumer Technology Association (Formerly CEA), 08/01/2008

CTA 2045-A

CTA 2045-A

Modular Communications Interface for Energy Managementstandard by Consumer Technology Association (Formerly CEA), 03/03/2018

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