ASTM G36-94(2018)

ASTM G36-94(2018)

Standard Practice for Evaluating Stress-Corrosion-Cracking Resistance of Metals and Alloys in a Boiling Magnesium Chloride Solution standard by ASTM International, 10/01/2018

ASTM G47-98(2004)

ASTM G47-98(2004)

Standard Test Method for Determining Susceptibility to Stress-Corrosion Cracking of 2XXX and 7XXX Aluminum Alloy Productsstandard by ASTM International, 05/01/2004

ASTM G86-98a(2005)

ASTM G86-98a(2005)

Standard Test Method for Determining Ignition Sensitivity of Materials to Mechanical Impact in Ambient Liquid Oxygen and Pressurized Liquid and Gaseous Oxygen

ASTM G198-11(2016)

ASTM G198-11(2016)

Standard Test Method for Determining the Relative Corrosion Performance of Driven Fasteners in Contact with Treated Woodstandard by ASTM International, 01/01/2011

ASTM PS125-01

ASTM PS125-01

Provisional Standard Consumer Safety Performance Specification for Diaper Changing Tables for Commercial Usestandard by ASTM International, 04/12/2001

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