ASTM D2426-23

ASTM D2426-23

Standard Test Method for Butadiene Dimer and Styrene in Butadiene Concentrates by Gas Chromatographystandard by ASTM International, 03/01/2023

ASTM D6354-23

ASTM D6354-23

Standard Guide for Sampling Plan and Core Sampling of Carbon Cathode Blocks Used in Aluminum Productionstandard by ASTM International, 07/01/2023

ASTM E55-23

ASTM E55-23

Standard Practice for Sampling Wrought Nonferrous Metals and Alloys for Determination of Chemical Compositionstandard by ASTM International, 06/01/2023

ASTM E1641-23

ASTM E1641-23

Standard Test Method for Decomposition Kinetics by Thermogravimetry Using the Ozawa/Flynn/Wall Methodstandard by ASTM International, 08/01/2023

ASTM D3227-23

ASTM D3227-23

Standard Test Method for (Thiol Mercaptan) Sulfur in Gasoline, Kerosine, Aviation Turbine, and Distillate Fuels (Potentiometric Method)standard by ASTM International, 05/01/2023

ASTM D8111-23

ASTM D8111-23

Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Automotive Engine Oils in the Sequence IIIH, Spark-Ignition Enginestandard by ASTM International, 03/01/2023

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