AS 2925.7-1987

AS 2925.7-1987

Methods of testing thermosetting laminated sheet, Method 7: Method for determining resistance to impactstandard by Standards Australia, 02/02/1987

AS B132.3-1966

AS B132.3-1966

Limits and fits for engineering - Recommendations for tolerances, limits and fits for large diametersstandard by Standards Australia, 01/01/1966

AS 2925.10-1987

AS 2925.10-1987

Methods of testing thermosetting laminated sheet, Method 10: Method for determining resistance to colour change in artificial lightstandard by Standards Australia, 02/02/1987

AS 3313-1993

AS 3313-1993

Approval and test specification - Particular requirements for appliances for heating liquidsstandard by Standards Australia, 01/01/1993

AS ISO/IEC 18000.1-2007

AS ISO/IEC 18000.1-2007

Information technology - Radio frequency identification for item management, Part 1: Reference architecture and definition of parameters to be standardizedstandard by Standards

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