AS 2925.6-1987

AS 2925.6-1987

Methods of testing thermosetting laminated sheet, Method 6: Method for determining dimensional stabilitystandard by Standards Australia, 02/02/1987

AS 2925.8-1987

AS 2925.8-1987

Methods of testing thermosetting laminated sheet, Method 8: Method for determining resistance to crackingstandard by Standards Australia, 02/02/1987

AS 2282.8-1991

AS 2282.8-1991

Methods for testing flexible cellular polyurethane, Method 8: Determination of force deflectionstandard by Standards Australia, 01/25/1991

AS 2925.9-1987

AS 2925.9-1987

Methods of testing thermosetting laminated sheet, Method 9: Method for determining resistance to stainingstandard by Standards Australia, 02/02/1987

AS 60068.2.31:2023

AS 60068.2.31:2023

Environmental testing, Part 2.31: Tests - Test Ec: Rough handling shocks, primarily for equipment-type specimens (IEC 60068-2-31:2008 (ED. 2.0) MOD)standard by Standards

AS ISO/IEC 15944.1-2005

AS ISO/IEC 15944.1-2005

Information technology - Business agreement semantic descriptive techniques, Part 1: Business operational aspects of Open-edi for implementationstandard by Standards Australia, 01/01/2005

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