AS/NZS 61000.6.3:2021

AS/NZS 61000.6.3:2021

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), Part 6.3: Generic standards - Emission standard for equipment in residential environments (IEC 61000-6-3:2020 (ED 3.0) MOD)standard by Standards

AS/NZS 60947.1:2021

AS/NZS 60947.1:2021

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear, Part 1: General rules (IEC 60947-1:2020 (ED. 6.0) MOD)standard by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 10/22/2021

AS/NZS 1546.3:2008

AS/NZS 1546.3:2008

On-site domestic wastewater treatment units, Part 3: Aerated wastewater treatment systemsstandard by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 01/01/2008

AS/NZS 4824:2021

AS/NZS 4824:2021

Protective clothing for firefighters - Laboratory test methods and performance requirements for wildland firefighting clothing (ISO 15384:2018, MOD)standard by Standards Australia /

AS/NZS CISPR 14.2:2021

AS/NZS CISPR 14.2:2021

Electromagnetic compatibility - Requirements for household appliances, electric tools and similar apparatus, Part 2: Immunity - Product family standard (CISPR 14-2:2020 (ED

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