ANSI C136.14-2014

ANSI C136.14-2014

American National Standard For Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment-Elliptically Shaped, Enclosed Side-mounted Luminaires for Horizontal-burning High-intensity Discharge Lampsstandard by American National Standards

ANSI C136.2-2015

ANSI C136.2-2015

American National Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment--Dielectric Withstand and Electrical Transient Immunity Requirementsstandard by American National Standards Institute, 11/03/2015

ANSI B77.1-2011

ANSI B77.1-2011

Passenger Ropeways - Aerial Tramways, Aerial Lifts, Surface Lifts, Tows and Conveyors - Safety Requirements, Includes Editorial Changes (October 2011)standard by American

ANSI Z80.31-2012

ANSI Z80.31-2012

Ophthalmic Optics - Specifications for Single-Vision Ready-to-Wear Near-Vision Spectaclesstandard by American National Standards Institute, 07/25/2012

ANSI C136.17-2005 (R2010, S2017)

ANSI C136.17-2005 (R2010, S2017)

American National Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment-Enclosed Side-Mounted Luminaires for Horizontal-Burning High-Intensity Discharge Lamps-Mechanical Interchangeability of Refractorsstandard by American National

ANSI B175.3-2019

ANSI B175.3-2019

Internal Combustion Engine-Powered Hand-Held Grass Trimmers and Brushcutters - Safety and Environmental Requirements (ANSI/OPEI B175.3-2019)standard by American National Standards Institute, 03/05/2020

ANSI C18.1M, Part 1-2009

ANSI C18.1M, Part 1-2009

American National Standard for Portable Primary Cells and Batteries with Aqueous Electrolyte-General and Specificationsstandard by American National Standards Institute, 05/29/2009

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