ANSI C82.4-2017

ANSI C82.4-2017

American National Standard for Lamp Ballasts - Ballasts for High-Intensity-Discharge and Low-Pressure Sodium Lampsstandard by American National Standards Institute, 05/18/2017

ANSI B165.1-2010

ANSI B165.1-2010

Power Tools - Power-Driven Brushing Tools - Safety Requirements for Design, Care, and Usestandard by American National Standards Institute, 09/02/2010

ANSI C137.0-2017

ANSI C137.0-2017

American National Standard for Lighting Systems - Lighting Systems Terms and Definitionsstandard by American National Standards Institute, 12/27/2017

ANSI C119.5-2009

ANSI C119.5-2009

American National Standard for Electric Connectors-Insulation Piercing Connector Systems, Rated 600 Volts or Less (Low-Voltage Aerial Bundled Cables and Insulated and Non-Insulated

ANSI B175.1-2012

ANSI B175.1-2012

Internal Combustion Engine-Powered Hand-Held Chain Saws - Safety and Envinronmental Requirements (ANSI/OPEI B175.1-2012), Includes Amendment (2014)standard by American National Standards Institute, 05/23/2012

ANSI C136.16-2009

ANSI C136.16-2009

American National Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment-Enclosed, Post Top-Mounted Luminairesstandard by American National Standards Institute, 04/13/2009

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