ANS 15.21-2012 (R2018)
Format and Content for Safety Analysis Reports for Research Reactorsstandard by American Nuclear Society, 04/03/2013
Format and Content for Safety Analysis Reports for Research Reactorsstandard by American Nuclear Society, 04/03/2013
Caculation and Measurement of Direct and Scattered Gamma Radiation from LWR Nuclear Power Plantsstandard by American Nuclear Society, 06/24/1987
Light Water Reactors Fuel Assembly Mechanical Design and Evaluationstandard by American Nuclear Society, 02/08/1996
Guidelines for Assessing Capability for Surface Faulting at Power Reactor Sitesstandard by American Nuclear Society, 08/19/1982
Quality Control for Plate-Type Uranium-Aluminum Fuel Elementsstandard by American Nuclear Society, 03/30/1990
Selection, Qualification, and Training of Personnel for Nuclear Power Plantsstandard by American Nuclear Society, 04/23/1993
Neutron and Gamma-Ray Cross Sections for Nuclear Radiation Protection Calculations for Nuclear Power Plantsstandard by American Nuclear Society, 02/11/1999
Nuclear Criticality Safety in Operations with Fissionable Materials Outside Reactorsstandard by American Nuclear Society, 2014
Safety and Pressure Integrity Classification Criteria for Light Water Reactorsstandard by American Nuclear Society, 04/22/2011
Criteria for Technical Specifications for Nuclear Power Stationsstandard by American Nuclear Society, 01/01/1979
Group-Averaged Neutron and Gamma-Ray Cross Sections for Radiation Protection and Shielding Calculations for Nuclear Power Plantsstandard by American Nuclear Society, 2013
Medical Certification and Monitoring of Personnel Requiring Operator Licenses for Nuclear Power Plantsstandard by American Nuclear Society, 04/29/2013