ANS 2.19-1981 (R1990)

ANS 2.19-1981 (R1990)

Guidelines for Establishing Site-Related Parameters for Site Selection and Design of an Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installationstandard by American Nuclear Society, 01/01/1981

ANS 3.8.7-1998

ANS 3.8.7-1998

Criteria for Planning, Development, Conduct, and Evaluation of Drills and Exercises for Emergency Preparednessstandard by American Nuclear Society, 01/01/1998

ANS 3.8.2-1995

ANS 3.8.2-1995

Criteria for Functional and Physical Characteristics of Radiological Emergency Response Facilitiesstandard by American Nuclear Society, 01/01/1995

ANS 8.9-1987 (R1995)

ANS 8.9-1987 (R1995)

Nuclear Criticality Safety Criteria for Steel-Pipe Intersections Containing Aqueous Solutions of Fissile Materialsstandard by American Nuclear Society, 01/01/1987

ANS 19.3-2005

ANS 19.3-2005

Determination of Neutron Reaction Rate Distributions and Reactivity of Nuclear Reactorsstandard by American Nuclear Society, 09/16/2005

ANS 6.1.2-1989

ANS 6.1.2-1989

Neutron and Gamma-Ray Cross Sections for Nuclear Radiation Protection Calculations for Nuclear Power Plantsstandard by American Nuclear Society, 12/12/1989

ANS RA-S-1.2-2014

ANS RA-S-1.2-2014

Severe Accident Progression and Radiological Release (Level 2) PRA Standard for Nuclear Power Plant Applications for Light Water Reactors (LWRs) - ASME/ANS

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