AASHTO M 163M/M 163-22

AASHTO M 163M/M 163-22

Standard Specification for Castings, Iron-Chromium, Iron-Chromium-Nickel, Corrosion Resistant, for General Application (ASTM Designation: A743/A743M-21)standard by American Association of State and Highway Transportation

AASHTO T 393-22

AASHTO T 393-22

Standard Method of Test for Determining the Fracture Potential of Asphalt Mixtures Using the Illinois Flexibility Index Test (I-FIT)standard by American Association

AASHTO M 86M/M 86-22

AASHTO M 86M/M 86-22

Standard Specification for Nonreinforced Concrete Sewer, Storm Drain, and Culvert Pipe (ASTM Designation: C14M-15a and C14-15a)standard by American Association of State and

AASHTO T 331-22

AASHTO T 331-22

Standard Method of Test for Bulk Specific Gravity (Gmb) and Density of Compacted Asphalt Mixtures Using Automatic Vacuum Sealing Method (ASTM Designation:

AASHTO R 52-22

AASHTO R 52-22

Standard Practice for Compost for Erosion/Sediment Control (Compost Blankets)standard by American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials, 2022



Standard Specification for Materials Used in Cold Recycled Mixtures with Foamed Asphaltstandard by American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials, 2022

AASHTO T 247-22

AASHTO T 247-22

Standard Method of Test for Preparation of Test Specimens of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) by Means of California Kneading Compactor (ASTM Designation:

AASHTO M 302-22

AASHTO M 302-22

Standard Specification for Slag Cement for Use in Concrete and Mortars (ASTM Designation: C989/C989M-22)standard by American Association of State and Highway Transportation

AASHTO R 101-22

AASHTO R 101-22

Standard Practice for Developing Performance Engineered Concrete Pavement Mixturesstandard by American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials, 2022

AASHTO M 288-22

AASHTO M 288-22

Standard Specification for Geosynthetic Specification for Highway Applicationsstandard by American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials, 2022

AASHTO T 303-22

AASHTO T 303-22

Standard Method of Test for Accelerated Detection of Potentially Deleterious Expansion of Mortar Bars Due to Alkali-Silica Reactionstandard by American Association of

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