JIS Z 3324:2010

JIS Z 3324:2010

Classification and testing methods for deposited metal of stainless steel by submerged arc welding (Foreign Standard)standard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese

JIS Z 4916:1997

JIS Z 4916:1997

Test charts for resolution characteristics of X-ray equipment (FOREIGN STANDARD)standard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards Association, 01/01/1997

JIS Z 7250:2005

JIS Z 7250:2005

Safety data sheet for chemical products -- Part 1: Content and order of sectionsstandard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards Association,

JIS Z 8110:1995

JIS Z 8110:1995

Colour specification -- Names of light-source colour (FOREIGN STANDARD)standard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards Association, 01/01/1995

JIS Z 8315-1:1999

JIS Z 8315-1:1999

Technical drawings -- Projection methods -- Part 1: Synopsis (FOREIGN STANDARD)standard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards Association, 01/01/1999

JIS Z 8765:1980

JIS Z 8765:1980

Method of flow measurement by turbine meters (FOREIGN STANDARD)standard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards Association, 01/01/1980

JIS Z 3325:2000

JIS Z 3325:2000

MAG welding solid wires for low temperature service steelstandard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards Association, 01/01/2000

JIS Z 3400:1999

JIS Z 3400:1999

Quality requirements for welding -- Fusion welding of metallic materialsstandard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards Association, 01/01/1999

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