ASTM STP 1454-03

ASTM STP 1454-03

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The tenth volume in this ongoing series provides 28 peer-reviewed papers written by experts in their field. This unique publication gives you the latest information available on flammability and sensitivity of materials in oxygen-enriched atmospheres, including oxygen compatibility and risk management concepts and practices. Topics include:

Ignition and Combustion of Nonmetals covers resistance of polymers to ignition by pneumatic impact; assessment of nonmetallic materials that are used in oxygen systems with a focus on toxicity; statistical evaluation of upward flammability testing (NASA STD 6001 Test 1 ) and ignition of materials exposed to liquid oxygen by mechanical impact.

Ignition and Combustion of Metals presents work evaluating metallic filters for use in oxygen systems; a unique ultrasonic system used to measure the melting rate of the metal rods while burning in oxygen in both normal gravity and reduced gravity; stainless steel promoted ignition tests under flowing conditions; a model for the ignition of rods and tubes in flowing oxygen; microanalysis of aluminum rods that were burned in oxygen and either quenched or self-extinguished; and several ignition-combustion test programs.

Failure/Hazard Analysis and Safety focuses on the documentation of failures and their causes; and techniques being used and developed to analyze systems or components operating in oxygen-enriched atmospheres to ensure system functionality and personnel safety. Papers cover a new technique for analyzing large systems based on prioritizing system components based on operating conditions; an analysis of the space shuttle external tank pressurization system; a failure analysis of fires that have been occurring in oxygen production process valves; a review of some incidents in oxygen systems that have occurred in Australia over a 30-year period; cause and origin analyses of fires; and an electronic database being used by NASA White Sands Test Facility to perform and archive oxygen system/component hazards analyses.

The final section discusses a diverse range of topics, including a parametric model examining nonmetallic materials that are contaminated or damaged being used in oxygen environments; and optical techniques used to view oxygen system fires.

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