Product Details
- Published:
- 11/29/2022
- ISBN(s):
- 9781455929740
- ANSI Approved
- Number of Pages:
- 57
- Note:
- This product is unavailable in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus
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Mining and mineral processing facilities represent significant fire and explosion exposures to both personnel and production equipment and buildings. Critical to safety, the 2015 NFPA 122, Standard for Fire Prevention and Control in Metal/Nonmetal Mining and Metal Mineral Processing Facilities addresses the protection of diesel-powered equipment and storage and handling of flammable and combustible liquids at these specialized sites.
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Reduce the loss of life and property due to fire in underground mines with the vital requirements in NFPA 122. This critical Standard addresses the protection of diesel-powered equipment and the storage and handling of flammable and combustible liquids at these specialized sites.
Reduce the loss of life and property due to fire in underground mines.
This critical Standard addresses the protection of diesel-powered equipment and the storage and handling of flammable and combustible liquids at these specialized sites.
The 2004 edition consolidates requirements from NFPA 122 and 121 : Standard on Fire Protection for Self-Propelled and Mobile Surface Mining Equipment. Major changes include a new chapter on fire protection of surface metal mineral processing plants. The Standard is also revised to emphasize the use of a fire risk assessment when determining fire protection criteria. Up-to-date with NFPA’s Manual of style.
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Apply the 2010 NFPA 122 to reduce fatalities and property loss due to fire in underground metal and nonmetal mines and metal mineral processing facilities.
Mining and mineral processing facilities represent significant fire and explosion exposures to both personnel and production equipment and buildings. This critical Standard addresses the protection of diesel-powered equipment and storage and handling of flammable and combustible liquids at these specialized sites.
New in the 2010 NFPA 122: Standard for Fire Prevention and Control in Metal/Nonmetal Mining and Metal Mineral Processing Facilities:
–Revised requirements concerning portable fire extinguishers and fixed suppressions systems to improve operator safety and the reliability of the required suppression systems.
–Complete revision of the chapter on fire prevention and fire protection of surface mining equipment for consistency with fire protection industry practices and the updated provisions in the 2010 NFPA 120: Fire Prevention and Control in Coal Mines.
–New fire protection requirements for new and existing hydro-metallurgical solvent extractions (SX) plants, including a fire risk assessment of the facility and criteria for fixed fire suppressions systems.
–Related additional references and definitions were also added.
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This standard covers minimum requirements for safeguardinglife and property against fire and related hazardsassociated with metal and nonmetal underground and surfacemining and metal mineral processing plants.
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