NFPA (Fire) 285

NFPA (Fire) 285

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Make informed fire protection decisions based on accurate determination of how effectively exterior wall assemblies can resist flame propagation by using testing criteria in the 2012 NFPA 285.

NFPA 285: Standard Fire Test Method for Evaluation of Fire Propagation Characteristics of Exterior Non-Load-Bearing Wall Assemblies Containing Combustible Components provides a method of assessing the flammability characteristics of exterior, non-load bearing wall assemblies and panels which are required to be of non-combustible construction but may contain combustible components. The Standard addresses fire exposures from interior fires that reach flashover, break exterior windows, and expose the building facade.

Changes in the 2012 edition that testing laboratories and manufacturers need to know about include:

  • Revised figures in Chapter 6 and an increase in the number of thermocouple location details to address new types of wall systems
  • Updated acceptance criteria in Chapter 10 to reflect the thermocouple location revisions

Additional revisions include updating of references, addition of new definitions, corrections and clarifications of text and figures to provide consistency of terms, clarification of language, and editorial revisions.

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NFPA (Fire) 285

NFPA (Fire) 285

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NFPA 285 provides a method of determining the flammability characteristics of exterior, nonload bearing wall assemblies and panels which are required to be of non-combustible construction but may contain combustible components.

A new Annex provides historical information describing the development. (Approx. 18 pp., 2006)

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Number of Pages:
NFPA (Fire) 285

NFPA (Fire) 285

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NFPA 285 offers the insight and testing criteria to accurately determine flammability characteristics of exterior wall assemblies to help ensure adequate fire resistance.

NFPA 285, Standard Fire Test Method for Evaluation of Fire Propagation Characteristics of Exterior Wall Assemblies Containing Combustible Components, provides a method of measuring flame spread resistant properties of external construction materials when exposed to interior fires that reach flashover, break outside windows, and reveal the building facade.

An essential standard for testing laboratories and manufacturers, NFPA 285 covers details of test specimens including new types of wall systems and materials, testing documentation and instrumentation, and the latest requirements, criteria, and diagrams for thermocouple locations.

Critical changes and additions to the new 2019 edition include:

  • Expanded scope applying to buildings of any construction type
  • Revised content to encompass both bearing and non-load-bearing assemblies
  • Addition of sections in Chapter 5 to include joint and seam locations and window header construction

Make informed decisions to help improve fire protection with NFPA 285.

This invaluable resource delivers the most current and reliable approach to regulating and addressing the introduction of combustible materials into exterior walls of all kinds. Order your copy of NFPA 285, Standard Fire Test Method for Evaluation of Fire Propagation Characteristics of Exterior Wall Assemblies Containing Combustible Components, today. (Softbound, 28 pp., 2019)

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