NFPA (Fire) 30

NFPA (Fire) 30

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For safety around flammable and combustible liquids, using the latest NFPA 30 is the first priority.

Enforceable under OSHA and many state and local regulations, NFPA 30: Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code is the best practice widely used in industry and by insurers. The 2015 edition of the Code includes the latest and most complete criteria you need to protect your facility by ensuring safe storage, handling, and use of flammable and combustible liquids.

Changes respond to recommendations from the U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (CSB) and proposals from the field:

  • New storage height restrictions in Chapter 10 address unprotected storage in unprotected mercantile occupancies.
  • Numerous amendments to Chapter 16 to correlate with NFPA 13: Installation of Sprinkler System rules concerning warehouse storage. The 2015 edition of NFPA 30 gives sprinkler system designers a better grasp of requirements and assists Code officials with plans review.
  • Revised Table 17.4.3 in Chapter 17. Increased mandatory separation distances for process vessels based on CSB recommendations.
  • New coverage in Section 18.4 includes first-time requirements for manual pressure-operated drum pumps.
  • New Section 19.7 governs the installation of bulk cooking oil storage and dispensing systems used in restaurants and prepared food manufacturing facilities.
  • Change to Subsection 22.11.4 sets a 50,000 gal. maximum capacity for all secondary containment-type storage tanks for all Class I, Class II, and Class IIIA liquids.
  • Changes to Chapter 27: Piping Systems revise requirements for low-melting materials based on CSB recommendations.

Get the criteria you need to design your facilities for better protection, comply with sprinkler requirements, and use safe operating practices.

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NFPA (Fire) 30

NFPA (Fire) 30

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Adopt the safest practices for storing, handling, and using flammable and combustible liquids!Regarded as law throughout the U.S. and enforceable under OSHA, NFPA 30 is the industry’s most comprehensive source for safety rules on flammable and combustible liquids. It provides:

  • Information on proper siting of bulk storage tanks, including separations from property lines and tank-to-tank spacing
  • Design requirements for spill control, and normal and emergency relief vents
  • Fire protection requirements for container storage in storage cabinets, and inside rooms and warehouses–including spill containment and drainage and design criteria for fire protection systems
  • Fire safety requirements for proper handling and use of liquids

The new 2000 edition also includes:

  • Requirements for protected tanks and tanks in vaults
  • Expanded fire protection design criteria for flammable liquids warehouses, including new criteria for rigid non-metallic intermediate bulk containers (IBCs)
  • A new section on fire protection for recirculating fluid heat transfer systems
  • Consolidated requirements dealing with electrical systems and electrical equipment

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NFPA (Fire) 30

NFPA (Fire) 30

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Updated to reflect the latest practices and developments for better fire and spill protection when working with flammable liquids.

NFPA 30 is the industry’s most trusted and complete source for safety rules concerning flammable and combustible liquids. And the new 2003 edition contains important changes and additions that affect designers, engineers, enforcing officials, and anyone who deals with these volatile liquids.

New and revised criteria provide greater flexibility in siting tanks and stronger safeguards, including…

Reduced separation distances for protected aboveground tanks and elimination of separation distances for tanks in vaults constructed in accordance with Section 2.2.7.

Special operating requirements for shop-fabricated aboveground tanks with abnormally long vertical piping for fill and/or vent lines.

New rules for storage of unsaturated polyester resins

New guidance prohibiting permanent interconnections between fire water systems and process water systems.

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NFPA (Fire) 30

NFPA (Fire) 30

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If your job involves flammable and combustible liquids, updating to the 2012 NFPA 30 is your first priority.

Enforceable under OSHA and many state and local regulations, NFPA 30: Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code is the best practice document widely used in industry and by insurers. The 2012 edition includes the latest and most complete criteria you need to protect your facility by ensuring safe storage, handling, and use of flammable and combustible liquids.

Major changes respond to newly identified risks:

  • New provision requires that Class II and Class III liquids stored, handled, processed, or used at temperatures at or above their flash points follow all applicable requirements in the Code for Class I liquids, unless an engineering evaluation deems otherwise.
  • An annex item explains that the use of spark-resistant tools must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
  • In response to U.S. DHS rules requiring security/vulnerability assessments for high-hazard facilities, new Section 6.10 and an accompanying Annex H have been added to address management of facility security by means of a mandatory security and vulnerability assessment. Annex H provides an outline of a suggested assessment process.
  • New annex guidance covers selecting a safe location to which a flammable liquids storage cabinet may be vented, and selecting a safe location to which a flammable liquids dispensing area may be vented.
  • Provisions for flammable liquids storage cabinets incorporate more extensive marking requirements.
  • Revised Table 9.9.1, Fire Resistance Ratings for Liquid Storage Areas, indicates that no fire resistance rating is required for separation walls for accessory use areas of small floor area.
  • Revised Section 13.3 more clearly establishes the required separation between detached unprotected liquids storage buildings and both protected and unprotected exposed properties.
  • Numerous minor amendments have been made to clarify application of the provisions of Chapter 16, Automatic Fire Protection for Inside Liquid Storage Areas.
  • New Subsection 17.3.7 has been added to address process vessels used to heat liquids to temperatures at or above their flash points, as suggested by investigations conducted by the U. S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board.
  • New provision clarifies that tightness testing is not required for an interstitial space of a secondary containment tank that maintains factory-applied vacuum.
  • A note and annex item for Table, Minimum Shell-to-Shell Spacing of Aboveground Storage Tanks, explain the term “sum of adjacent diameters” and its determination.
  • Changes provide additional guidance on handling floating roof pontoons that have been breached by liquids or vapors.
  • The Code no longer allows the use of water ballast to secure underground tanks in areas subject to flooding.
  • Use and installation of alcohol-based hand rub dispensers are now exempted from the Code.
  • Revised definitions for the various types of building occupancies correlate NFPA 101®: Life Safety Code®.

Get the criteria you need to design facilities for better protection, comply with sprinkler requirements, and use safe operating practices.

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ANSI Approved
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NFPA (Fire) 30

NFPA (Fire) 30

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Totally restructured, the 2008 NFPA 30 facilitates consistency and correlation with major construction and fire codes!

Adopted by most states and enforceable under OSHA, NFPA 30: Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code presents the latest and most complete guidance on the safe storage, handling, and use of these volatile substances. It provides the criteria you need to design facilities for better protection, comply with sprinkler requirements, and use safe operating practices.

Rewritten and reorganized, the new Code provides more focused and easier access to essential requirements.

The 2008 Code incorporates a new “HazMat” format that integrates with NFPA 5000®: Building Construction and Safety Code®, the International Building Code®, NFPA 1: Uniform Fire CodeTM, and the International Fire Code®, presenting NFPA 30 rules in a format consistent with these codes. The format will standardize the structure of all NFPA® hazardous materials documents. The result: greater consistency, less confusion, and better integration among pertinent codes that aids compliance.

Stay current on critical technical changes, including:

  • Adoption of the NFPA 101® occupancy definitions
  • Introduction of the concepts of control area, maximum allowable quantities, and protection levels
  • Additional fire protection design criteria for warehouse storage of containers, intermediate bulk containers, and portable tanks
  • Expanded requirement for overfill prevention measures to comply with EPA SPCC (Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures) guidelines

Develop protection schemes based on the latest facts in the 2008 NFPA 30!

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NFPA (Fire) 30SET08

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